Interzero Deposit Solutions GmbH

Geschäftsführer: Dominik Limbach, Martin Ulke

Stollwerckstraße 9a | 51149 Köln
Amtsgericht Köln HRB 39836
USt-ID-Nr: DE225335018

Telefon: +49 2203 9147 1040



This website may provide links to other third-party websites. Interzero accepts no liability for the content of third-party websites save Interzero is aware of the content and it is technically and reasonably possible to prevent use of the links in the case of illegal content. The content on third-party websites does not belong to Interzero and Interzero does not endorse or have any influence on it. The responsibility for the content lies with the respective website owner. Interzero shall not be liable for damages arising from the use of the content of third-party websites.

Supervisory authorities

Stadt Köln
Willy-Brandt-Platz 2
50679 Köln